

On this page you can play or download the audio files in mp3 format.-------------------------------------------


Geist gegen Gene (The Mind Challenges Genes)


Saturday - June 30, 2001

Opening speech by Prof. Dr. Gerburg Treusch-Dieter:
Part 1 - Part 2

Subsequent discussion

Panel discussion:
"Decoding of the human genome and the patenting of human genes
Part 1 - Part 2
Moderator: Elke Heitmüller (Psychologist, Berlin)
-- Silvia Mathies (Film producer, Munich)
-- Dr. Andreas Lösch (Sociologist, Freiburg University)
-- Uta Wagenmann ("Ethical Gene Network", Berlin)

Speech by Ernst Klee (Author, Film producer):
"Verständnis für Täter, Verhöhnung der Opfer
("Sympathy for the perpetrators, derision for the victims")
Subsequent discussion

Anonymous short comment

Speech by Prof. Dr. Ian Parker:
(Manchester Metropolitan University, Professor of Psychology in the Discourse Unit)
"Critical psychology: Pathologising as a political question"

Panel discussion
-- Prof. Dr. Erica Burman
(Manchester Metropolitan University, Women’s Studies)
-- Dr. Eugenie Georgaca
(Sheffield Hallam University, Communication Studies)
-- Dr. Ian Hodges
(University of Westminster, Psychology)
-- Angel Gordo Lopez
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Department of Sociology IV)
-- Dr. Terence McLaughlin
(Asylum magazine UK, Executive Editor)

Sunday - July 1, 2001

Speech by Dr. Jean Pascal Zanders
(SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Project)

"Scientific and technological progress and the future of the norm against biological weapons"

Unfortunately, the following is not available in english as an audio file (please see original in german):

Podium discussion:
"Genetic technology and warfare"

Moderator: Theodor Heinze
Dr. Jan van Aken (the sunshine project germany, Hamburg)
-- Dr. Jean Pascal Zanders (SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Project)
-- Ms. Jacqueline Simon (SIPRI Chemical and Biological Warfare Project)

Speech by Prof. Dr. Ivan Illich (Medical critic, Mexico)
Speech by Silja Samerski (Biologist, Bremen University)

Subsequent discussion

"The future of mankind"

Podium discussion:
Moderation: Ursel Fuchs (Journalist, Duesseldorf)
-- Dr. Silja Samerski (Biologist, Bremen University)
-- Dr. Maria Wolf (Pedagogue; Innsbruck, Austria)
-- René Talbot (Futuristen Berlin)