The 30th T4 parade on Remembrance
and Resistance Day, May 2
May 2nd, Remembrance and Resistance Day*, we will meet
at 1.30 pm at Tiergartenstr. 4 at the memorial for the
victims of the systematic medical mass murder of 1939-1949.
we will march in a demonstration to the state
of NRW at the federal government, because the Ministry
of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia has been operating
PeRiskoP, a comprehensive denunciation program
for the early detection of persons with risk potential,
since 2022. PeRiskoP has been used in all 47 district
police authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia since May
2022. For this purpose, so-called test cases
are determined as low-threshold as possible (i.e. at
the first thought!)**, which are screened and followed
up in close cooperation between the police and other
authorities such as schools, health authorities and
psychiatric institutions. This psychiatrization and
surveillance programme creates a system of denunciation
that is reminiscent of the methods used by the Stasi
and/or the Blockwart. NRW wants to implement it throughout
Germany in the new legislature.
we move on to the headquarters of the German
Medical Association Herbert-Lewin-Platz 1, 10623 Berlin.
We move to the German Medical Association
because the organized German medical profession refuses
to support the demand that psychiatry become violence-free,
as demanded by the UN (through the High Commission for
Human Rights) and the World Health Organization.***
Instead, the German Medical Association pretends an
alleged inability to act. It claims not
to be responsible because only the legislator can decide
this.**** Doctors were responsible for the systematic
mass murder. Today, however, your medical organization
believes it can wash its hands of the continued violence
of its psychiatric colleagues. They don't give a damn
about the international human rights and medical demands.
They have given up on humanitarianism.
are moving to the headquarters of the German Medical
Association to visit the site where we will be demonstrating
again and again in the following weeks. We are still
looking for support for this. Please let our coordinator
know when you are willing to participate in the period
from May 2 to May 31: Tel: 030-291 1001 or e-mail: uwe_pankow@gmx.de
This is an appeal by the Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Psychiatrie-Erfahrener
| Vorbergstr. 9a | 10823 Berlin | die-bpe@berlin.de
* https://www.freedom-of-thought.de/may2/
** https://polizei.nrw/artikel/erkennen-bewerten-handeln
**** https://die-bpe.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Briefwechsel.pdf