2nd - Day of Remembrance and Resistance
International Commemoration 2008 |
Click here for the "Freedom from Fear" tour in 1999 to visit areas where exterminations took place in hospitals located in different parts of Germany.
Click here for the international "Foucault Tribunal" which took place on May 2nd 1998 in Berlin. As a reference to this event the R&R Day is on the 2nd of May.
In Deutsch: Aufruf zum 2. Mai in Berlin Call
for the Remembrance
& Resistance day
on May 2nd, 2008 May 2nd, 2008 is the tenth anniversary of the Verdict of the Foucault Tribunal. This is a great opportunity to celebrate this special anniversary because on the next day (May 3rd) in accordance with the contractual rules, the UN-Disability Convention will enter into force internationally. Thus ends the first phase of applying this convention: 20 states must have ratified the convention before it can become valid internationally. The fact that this goal has been reached now is particularly opportune for us, because now there is no more reason to promote a rapid ratification of the convention, rather we can now concentrate on the fact that BEFORE the ratification in further countries our demand for the abolishment of all mental health laws must be fulfilled. Only by the fulfillment of these minimalistic defense rights from torture-like psychiatric coercion treatment and arbitrary detention in psychiatric prisons, can the Disability Convention not become an additional shield of coercive psychiatry. Without prior consent to this demand, the convention and those ratifying it become a caricature of the human rights which they pretend to strengthen, because the fulfillment of economic, social and cultural rights has as a precondition that the fundamental rights to liberty, in particular the abolishment of torture (e.g. by means of psychiatric coercive treatment), is assured. Even if, by the use of the optional protocol, an attempt is made after the ratification to prompt states to fulfill the convention, it is particularly necessary with regard to psychiatric assault that the legislator abolishes the mental health laws which legalise these crimes. If the legislator should refuse our explicit demand to do this before the ratification, then there is hardly any chance thereafter, since he obviously perceives the Disability Convention only as an alibi anyway. That, in the 24 states which have ratified the convention in the meantime, there is not the least sign of a loosening of the violent regime of coercive psychiatry, is blatant proof of this. Our demand for abolishment of the mental health laws now - before a ratification - is a great opportunity, which we celebrate with the Remembrance & Resistance day. This celebration we link to a commemoration of our ca. 300,000 sisters and brothers systematically murdered by doctors in Germany, Poland and Austria in 1939-1949 (see also here). A slanderous diagnosis was their death sentence. |
Remembrance & Resistance day on May 2nd, 2008